Support Aces Weekly

Friday, November 14, 2008

The journey commenced

Hey, we did it!
18 members made it to the Brunswick for the first meeting. It was an enthusiatic affair, members introduced themselves, got to know each other and chatted about comics. There was a good mix of writers and artists, Dan, Lee and Pietro brought along their sketchbooks to show them around.

If you can't attend the meetings sign up to our Google group we've set it up so members can discuss and post directly with each other. We will continue to post info on the blog but mainly to advertise our existence and inform interested parties who've seen our posters.

We want to keep the momentum going and everyone at the first meeting seemed keen so we're having the next meeting on Monday 1st December from 8pm at the Brunswick Inn.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Meeting Date Announced

About bloomin' time an' all!
Yes, your patience has been rewarded, the first meeting is taking place on Wednesday, 12th November at the Brunswick Inn, 3 Duke Street, Swansea from 8pm. Brunswick map and directions are here.

This first meeting will be about establishing the group goals and getting to know the members so there is no need to bring anything but yourselves. If you can't make this meeting, don't worry we will hold meetings every month.

Can't wait for the meeting? Want to get started now? Head on over to the new SCC google group at . Here you can discuss your ideas with other members and post up sketches, pics, files whatever you need to get those comic ideas flowing. The group is just for SCC members so you will have to request membership but once you have joined you use the same login info as this blog.

Hope to see all there!