It was a year ago today that we started doing our blarts (blog art). We had a blog and we posted little bits and pieces mainly links or meeting updates. We knew we wanted it to be be more visual, get more pics up and decided to do some Valentines pieces. Then Comic Twart turned up. Those guys blew us away, week after week of sketch greatness. And such a simple idea, choose a different character and all draw it. So we did it too and here we are, a year and some 150 blarts later.
It's been a great learning experience for me, drawing subjects I wouldn't normally tackle, trying to keep to the deadline and trying out new techniques. And I love seeing everyones very different takes each meeting. So take a bow, Mark 'Son of Ken' Hughes, Lee Philips, Rob Taylor, Mark Tranter, Beth Hughes, Ricky Webber, Adam Wilmot, Andrew Arkwright, Non Taylor, Daisy Taylor, Nancy Taylor, Sarah-Lou Wilmot, Peter Maggs, James Taylor, Martha Wright, Dan Butterworth, Ben, Simon Daniels, Sophie De Marco, Lizzi Richards and John 'Manhunter' Jones. We couldn't have doen it without ya...
Take a look through our Past Blarts on the sidebar and please keep coming back to see more. I'm still a little behind on posting so look forward to seeing in the near future our Mouse Guard and mouse character, Zombie and WW2 blarts. I leave you with a shot of the member's just reward an SCC chocolate cake baked by our own Non Toxic! Thanks, darlin'...

Thanks for looking!