This week marks the ninth anniversary of the formation of the SCC, we thought it might be fun to have a wander down memory lane and revisit the celebratory images (by logomeister Pete) of years con by.
Year 1 before Peter Maggs decided to add the James to his name and leave us for Ghost Jones |
Year 2 Now with added Adam and Lee! |
Year 3 was so Special It got two 'cards' |
Year 4 saw the arrival of Copperopolis #1 |
Half a decade old and we were eager show off how far we had come. |
Year six was the... year of... the robots? |
Haig was our cake bearer for year seven. |
Year 8 amazing we fought the Legion of Doom and the Masters of Evil until Galactus showed up |
That brings us bang up to date 9 years old and unning our First Kickstarter to raise the funds to print Copperopolis #3! The Support has been amazing so far, but you still have a chance of appearing in the comic or even owning some original art and every Pledge of £3 or more gets a copy of Copperopolis #3 (digital copy for £3 pledge physical copy from £5). Don't miss out!